Donatie PSV fans overhandigd aan Bobby Robson
Verslaggever: RvN
Afgelopen week is een donatie van 900 euro overhandigd aan Bobby Robson. Het bedrag was ingezameld onder leden van PSV Netwerk op het forum. De prachtige actie was georganiseerd door PSV forumlid DUB (meer informatie over de actie). GeordiePSVfan
heeft namens de PSV fans afgelopen week in Newcastle het bedrag overhandigd aan Bobby Robson himself (meer informatie).
GeordiePSVfan over de ontmoeting: 'A total gentleman, as you would expect. We had our photograph taken, I was wearing my PSV shirt and we were both holding a PSV scarf. He still has very fond memories of his times in Eindhoven and I could tell he still genuinely cares about the club. We spoke about PSV and he was saying what a great club it is and that he still looks out for PSV's results. He was so grateful to everyone who raised the money, in fact I would say he was really suprised that PSV fans had took the trouble to have a collection for his charity. I told him that everyone at PSV.netwerk sends their best wishes to him and he sends his best wishes back to all of you.'
Meer informatie over de Sir Bobby Robson Foundation